Monday, May 5, 2014

The Things I'll Miss

     I'm actually having a pretty hard time writing this blog... Mostly because my life consists of school, work, and wedding stuff. You won't want to read about school or work, and I don't want to give too much wedding stuff away! Luckily, in 10 days I will be done with my freshman year of college (whoo hoo!), and only 17 days after that, I will be marrying my best friend!

I've probably mentioned this before, but these past 5 months of being engaged have been the longest 5 months of my life. They dragged on, and on, and on, and on... you get the point.

Now that we only have 27 days left, it's finally starting to feel like we're getting close!

Slowly, we've each been sorting through our things; getting rid of stuff we don't need and packing away clothing we won't wear until after the wedding. I don't think it's really hit either of us that we'll be all on our own in a few weeks. Sure, it's not like we're moving hundreds of miles away - our rental house is just across town - but we won't be waking up with our parents in the next room, or, in my case, waking up to a small herd of elephants pounding around the house.

There are some things I won't miss...

But there are lots of things I will.

Here's a list of the top 10 things I'll miss (not in any particular order):

     - coming home in the afternoon to drawings or craft projects left for me on my dresser

     - having my best friends (my sisters) in the rooms right next to me

     - the early morning chats with my mom over coffee before I head to school

     - going to kiss my dad goodnight every night like I have since I was a little girl

     - Jonah coming into my room for gum and announcing, "I stay. I stay here."

     - watching Say Yes to the Dress with Kate

     -  having someone do my laundry (thank you, Ally!)

     - sharing clothes with both Ally and Emma; therefore, having three times more outfit choices

     - hearing Jonah yell, "Din (Glynne)! I love you!!!" whenever I walk in the room

     - having Landon hug me everyday and tell me how lucky he is that I'm his sister

I could go on, but it'll make me too sad. This is the first time I've actually taken the time to think about all this and it's harder than I thought it would be!

I'm not going to lie, it'll be fantastic living in my nice, quiet, CLEAN, rental house with Kyle, but I'm definitely going to miss being around my family. They are loud, crazy, messy, and sometimes annoying, but they're mine and I love them more than anything. 

Thankfully, I won't be more than 5 minutes away!